
Update, Disable, Remove, Uninstall Java on Windows systems

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2 applications virtually of us have installed on our Windows computers and which demand to be updated very frequently are Flash and Java. Coffee is basically a technique used to create animated or interactive web content. Then in order to be able to see such content, we demand to install Java. When yous install Coffee in Internet Explorer, it is enabled past default and configured with safe settings at their highest level.

Every other day you lot get to see some report or the other screaming "Security update to address critical vulnerability released". And to be honest nearly of united states don't actually bother to update these Coffee or Flash – assuming that having the operating system and the antivirus software upwards-to-date, is adept plenty!

Only unfortunately, that is not the instance. At that place has been an unprecedented wave of Coffee exploitation and these Coffee vulnerabilities are often exploited to compromise your figurer, so you must keep your Java updated also, by setting it to update automatically.

Mostly speaking, the about effective measure against these vulnerabilities is keeping your Java updated at all times. The other options are, to disable Java – or not install it at all!

Update Java

Just a few days back, another such critical vulnerability was made public. This vulnerability afflicted Java 7.06 and earlier.  More than details on this can be had at Coffee yesterday released an update that addresses this vulnerability and yous can now download the update from hither.

Disable Coffee

Sometimes in that location is a delay in releasing such patches. In such a case, disabling Coffee might be a good idea. To exercise this open Control Panel > Java > Java Runtime Environment Settings > Java tab > View > Uncheck the Enabled check box to disable Java. I exercise not have Java installed, but I suppose you can disable or remove it from Manage add together-ons or plugins in your browser also. More on that here.

It may also be necessary to remove older versions of Java that are still present. Keeping old and unsecure versions of Java on your system presents a serious security chance. You can exercise then via the Control Panel or use JavaRa.

KB2751647 tells yous how to completely disable the Java web plug-in in Internet Explorer. If y'all wish, you can download and use this registry ready to disable Java – we accept created it based on the KB article.

Related: How to disable Java Update notification on Windows PC.

Remove Java completely

You might also want to at present seriously consider removing Java completely from your car via your Command Panel. If you are not sure whether y'all need Java or not, go ahead and uninstall it. Chances are that y'all volition not really miss information technology; unless you are using OpenOffice or LibreOffice. I do not accept Java installed on my computer – and have never really felt the need for information technology.

Java on your computer

To check if you have Java installed and/or to see if information technology is working fine, visit this page.  To check the version of JRE your browser is running, go here. If you want to download the latest version of Java for your Windows PC, become here.

Read more most Java and JavaScript:

  1. Java Security: Should You Disable Java Or JavaScript – The Difference!
  2. Uninstall or Disable Java in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera
  3. Disable JavaScript In IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera
  4. Disable or alter Java Permissions using the Windows Group Policy Editor
  5. Understand and Manage Coffee Settings in Windows
  6. Managing and Agreement Wink Histrion Settings In Windows.


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-xvi) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire post & the comments showtime, create a System Restore Point before making whatsoever changes to your system & be careful well-nigh any 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.


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