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Come across as well: California signature requirements and Fact cheque/How much does it cost to get an initiative on the election in California?

California Ballot Propositions

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• List of election measures
• Number of measures per decade
• Laws governing the initiative process
• Signature requirements
• History of initiative and referendum
• Contributions by twelvemonth
• Petition signature costs

How much coin have initiative sponsors in California spent per signature to qualify their initiatives?

This article compares-and-contrasts signature-collection costs based on the CPRS, or Cost Per Required Signature.

When initiative sponsors collect and submit signatures, they aim to collect many more than the required minimum number of signatures. This is washed in lodge to provide a sufficient cushion for those signatures that are disqualified.

Some initiative sponsors collect a much larger cushion of actress signatures. If it were possible to know exactly how many signatures each initiative sponsor submitted, it would be possible to calculate a "price-per-actual-signature" effigy. In California, initiative sponsors must submit signatures on a per-county basis to each of the state's 58 counties, rather than to one central election function. County election officials exercise not routinely release a count of the number of filed signatures for each proposition.

The charts below, therefore, compare signature-drove costs based on a figure that is readily available, which is the legal minimum requirement of signatures, rather than the number of signatures actually gathered and submitted for each suggestion.


Meet as well: California 2020 ballot measures
Ballot Mensurate: Topic: Petition company Toll Signatures CPRS
California Proposition 23 Healthcare Kimball Petition Management $v,524,184.44 623,212 $eight.86
California Proposition 20 Law enforcement Arno Petition Consultants $2,046,104.99 365,880 $5.59
California Proposition 21 Housing BH-AP Petitioning Partners LLC $three,565,077.00 623,212 $v.72
California Proposition 22 Business regulation National Petition Management, Inc. $six,461,617.23 623,212 $10.37
California Proffer 25 Ceremonious and criminal trials National Petition Management, Inc. $ii,778,434.11 365,880 $seven.59
California Proffer 24 Business regulation Alastair Mactaggart (In-Kind) $4,365,296.75 623,212 $7.00
California Proposition xv Taxes 2020 Ballcamp $5,986,312.94 997,139 $6.00
California Proposition 14 Bond issues Robert N. Klein Ii $4,145,719.73 623,212 $six.65
Averages: N/A N/A $iv,359,093 N/A $seven.22


See besides: California 2018 election propositions
Ballot Measure: Topic: Petition company Cost Signatures CPRS
California Proffer 3 Bond issues Masterton & Wright $i,883,203.00 365,880 $5.15
California Proposition 4 Bond issues National Petition Management, INC. $ii,645,311.84 365,880 $seven.23
California Proposition five Taxes AAP Belongings Company, Inc. and The Monaco Group $five,140,990.49 585,407 $8.78
California Proposition 6 Direct democracy measures GOCO Consulting and The Monaco Group $2,094,520.02 585,407 $three.58
California Proposition 8 Healthcare Kimball Petition Management $1,648,357.38 365,880 $4.51
California Proposition 10 Housing AAP Holding Company, Inc. and The Monaco Group $1,982,004.92 365,880 $5.42
California Proposition 11 Labor and unions National Petition Management, Inc. $2,892,967.03 365,880 $7.91
California Proposition 12 Handling of animals AAP Property Company, Inc. and The Monaco Grouping $2,199,613.72 365,880 $6.01
Averages: N/A N/A $ii,560,871.05 N/A $6.07


See also: California 2016 ballot propositions
Election measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Proposition 51 Didactics National Petition Direction, Inc. $1,252,534.01 365,880 $iii.42
Proffer 52 Healthcare Arno Political Consultants and The Monaco Group $2,192,811.85 807,615 $ii.72
Suggestion 53 Gov't Finance National Petition Management, Inc. $two,669,093.95 585,407 $4.56
Proposition 54 Gov't Acc National Petition Management, Inc. $6,622,935.93 585,407 $xi.31
Proposition 55 Taxes Kimball Petition Management, Inc. and 1000000 Voter Project Activeness Fund $four,236,577.66 585,407 $7.24
Proposition 56 Tobacco Boven Consulting, Kimball Petition Management, Inc., Span Street, Inc. and Million Voter Project Activeness Fund $4,524,176.13 585,407 $7.73
Proposition 57 Trials Kimball Petition Management, Inc. and Groundwork Campaigns, Inc. $4,818,267.20 585,407 $8.23
Proffer 60 Movies PCI Consultants, Inc. and The Monaco Group $1,409,273.68 365,880 $3.85
Proffer 61 Healthcare PCI Consultants, Inc. $1,355,765.65 365,880 $three.36
Proposition 62 Death Penalty PCI Consultants, Inc. $three,192,775.30 365,880 $8.73
Proposition 63 Firearms PCI Consultants, Inc. $2,228,384.05 365,880 $6.09
Proposition 64 Marijuana Kimball Petition Direction, Inc. $ii,093,616.x 365,880 $five.72
Proposition 65 Environs National Petition Management, Inc. $2,137,992.45 365,880 $5.84
Proffer 66 Death sentence National Petition Management, Inc. and The Monaco Group $iii,065,943.08 365,880 $eight.38
Proposition 67 Concern National Petition Direction, Inc. $two,911,945.89 504,760 $5.77
TOTAL: $44,712,092.93


See as well: California 2014 ballot propositions
Ballot measure Bailiwick Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Suggestion 45 Insurance Kimball Petition Management $1,728,998 504,760 $3.43
Proposition 46 Healthcare Kimball Petition Management $1,692,673 504,760 $3.35
Proposition 47 Trials PCI Consultants, Inc $1,847,882 504,760 $iii.66
Proffer 48 Gambling Arno Political Consultants and The Monaco Grouping $2,636,173 504,760 $5.22
Total: $6,136,162


See too: California 2012 election propositions
Ballot measure Discipline Signature drove company Price Signatures required CPRS
Proffer 28 Term limits Kimball Petition Direction $1,424,087 694,354 $2.05
Proposition 29 Taxes Arno Political Consultants $663,867 433,971 $1.53
Proposition 30 Taxes Kimball Petition Direction $8,773,490 807,615 $10.86
Proposition 31 Budgets Progressive Campaigns (PCI) $2,806,880 807,615 $3.48
Proposition 32 Labor Bader & Associates $1,170,886 504,760 $two.32
Proposition 33 Insurance Arno Political Consultants $ane,700,916 504,760 $3.37
Proffer 34 Capital punishment Kimball Petition Direction $one,418,122 504,760 $2.81
Proposition 35 Law enforcement Progressive Campaigns (PCI) $1,437,523 504,760 $2.85
Proffer 36 Law enforcement Progressive Campaigns (PCI) $1,475,775 504,760 $ii.92
Proffer 37 Regulation Masterson & Wright $ane,463,968 504,760 $2.90
Proposition 38 Taxes Arno Political Consultants, 12 others $4,952,513 504,760 $9.81
Suggestion 39 Taxes Masterson & Wright $1,796,003 504,760 $3.56
Proffer forty Redistricting Bader & Associates $584,126 504,760 $i.18
Total: $28,244,069


Meet also: 2010 ballot measure petition signature costs and California 2010 ballot propositions
Election measure out Subject Signature drove company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Proposition 16 Elections Arno Political Consultants $two,199,794 694,354 $three.17
Proposition 17 Regulation National Petition Management $2,273,745 433,971 $v.23
Suggestion xix Marijuana Master'son & Wright $987,833 433,971 $ii.27
Proposition 20 Elections National Petition Management $1,937,380 694,354 $2.79
Suggestion 21 Taxes Master'son & Wright $1,144,515 433,971 $2.64
Proposition 22 Land spending Progressive Campaigns $1,646,596 694,354 $two.37
Proposition 23 Surroundings National Petition Management $two,222,312 433,971 $5.12
Proposition 24 Taxes Kimball Petition Management $i,587,363 433,971 $three.65
Proposition 25 State spending Kimball Petition Direction $2,626,808 694,354 $3.78
Proposition 26 Taxes National Petition Management $2,341,023 694,354 $3.37
Proposition 27 Elections Kimball Petition Management $3,031,085 694,354 $iv.37
Full: $21,998,454


See likewise: California 2008 election propositions
Ballot measure Discipline Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Suggestion 91 Transportation 694,354
Proposition 92 Instruction Arno Political Consultants $38,000[1] 694,354
Proposition 93 Term limits Kimball Petition Management $2,238,538 694,354 $3.22
Proposition 94 Gambling Arno Political Consultants $926,133 433,971 $2.13
Proposition 95 Gambling Arno Political Consultants $926,133 433,971 $2.13
Proposition 96 Gambling Arno Political Consultants $926,133 433,971 $2.13
Proposition 97 Gambling Arno Political Consultants $926,133 433,971 $2.13
Proposition 98 Eminent domain Arno Political Consultants $i,583,000 694,354 $ii.28
Proposition 99 Eminent domain PCI Consultants, Inc. $3,559,970 694,354 $5.13
Proffer 2 Brute rights PCI Consultants, Inc. $416,756 433,971 $.96
Proposition 3 Bonds Arno Political Consultants $1,028,000 433,971 $2.37
Proposition 4 Abortion Bader & Assembly, Inc. $2,555,000 694,354 $three.68
Proffer 5 Marijuana PCI Consultants, Inc. $1,762,000 433,971 $4.06
Proposition 6 Criminal justice National Petition Management $ane,022,000 433,971 $2.35
Proposition 7 Energy PCI Consultants, Inc. $1,367,000 433,971 $3.15
Proposition eight Spousal relationship Bader & Associates, Inc. $882,900 694,354 $1.27
Proposition 9 Criminal justice Bader & Assembly, Inc. $2,258,000 694,354 $3.25
Proposition x Free energy PCI Consultants, Inc. $3,078,263 433,971 $seven.09
Proposition xi Redistricting Kimball Petition Direction $two,332,988 694,354 $3.36
Full: $27,826,947


Run into also: California 2006 election propositions
Ballot measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Proffer 82 Education Kimball Petition Management $ane,616,569 598,105 $2.seventy
Proposition 83 Law enforcement Bader & Associates $700,000 373,816 $1.87
Proffer 84 Bail problems Kimball Petition Management $1,043,484 373,816 $2.79
Suggestion 85 Ballgame Bader & Associates $2,527,615 598,105 $4.22
Proposition 86 Taxes Master'son & Wright $two,558,147 598,105 $4.28
Suggestion 87 Taxes Kimball Petition Management $2,382,280 598,105 $three.98
Proposition 88 Taxes National Petition Management $4,226,621 598,105 $7.06
Proposition 89 Elections and campaigns [2] 373,816
Proposition ninety Eminent domain Arno Political Consultants $1,788,706 598,105 $two.99
TOTAL: $16,843,422


Run across also: California 2005 ballot propositions
Election measure Subject Signature collection company Cost Signatures required CPRS
Proposition 73 Ballgame Bader & Associates, Inc. $ii,527,611 598,105 $4.23
Suggestion 74 Labor NPM, Arno and Forde $ane,514,707 373,816 $iv.05
Proposition 75 Labor NPM, Arno and Forde $1,514,707 373,816 $4.05
Suggestion 76 Spending NPM, Arno and Forde $2,423,529 598,105 $4.05
Suggestion 77 Redistricting NPM, Arno and Forde $ii,423,529 598,105 $4.05
Proposition 78 Healthcare Progressive and Bader $2,415,397 373,816 $6.46
Proposition 79 Healthcare Kimball Petition Direction $4,635,466 373,816 $12.xl
Proposition lxxx Free energy Kimball Petition Management $iv,839,466 373,816 $12.95
Total: $22,294,412

Note: The petition drives for Proposition 74, Proposition 75, Proffer 76 and Suggestion 77 were conducted jointly. 3 unlike petition drive management companies were involved. The expense reports were pooled. It is not therefore possible to make up one's mind the exact costs of each individual petition drive. The costs in this chart were derived past assuming that each signature in each of the four petition drives had the aforementioned price. The overall cost of the iv petition drives was $seven,876,472.40.


  1. The Cal-Access database lists 2 entrada committees as having registered in support of Proffer 92. One of these organizations ("Yes on 92! Students and Educators in Support") shows no expenditures of any kind. The other system, "Yes on Proposition 92, Californians for Improving Community Colleges, a Coalition of Educators and Customs Higher Organizations", shows one $38,000 expenditure to Arno Political Consultants. In our judgment, it is very unlikely that merely $38,000 was spent collecting signatures for Proffer 92. It is more likely that at that place is a flaw in the database.
  2. A search of expenditures in the Cal-Access database for Suggestion 89 campaign committees shows no disbursements to petition drive management companies.